People Management: Ambassador – Digital4Pro

People Management: Ambassador

People Management: Ambassador
28 Dicembre 2019
People Management: Asilo nido aziendale
5 Gennaio 2020

Within an organization, it is natural that the dynamics between teams, functions or divisions see in particular the consolidation of relations between members of the same structure and, with greater selectivity and moderation, between members of different structures.

This is certainly the result of everyday life and, in ordinary operations, it is sufficient for carrying out activities in particular if it is a process activity. Otherwise, if the organization is confronted with project structures that change dynamically or, in certain moments of the corporate life in which the organization has to deal with a change management process, these settled relationships constitute a limit.

In these contexts, to facilitate complex processes or support the organization in moments of delicate transformation, it is possible to resort to one or more figures – the Ambassadors – with the task of cultivating relationships with other areas of the organization. These figures, identified within the team, hold a merely communicative role, without an organization chart or coordination functions; they simply develop and consolidate relationships with the world outside the group to which they belong.

This engagement can be implemented to facilitate the implementation of a particularly transversal or impacting project for the organization, but it can also be undertaken to promote the implementation of a new operating mode or a new technology.

The use of Ambassadors is easy and inexpensive and can be condered the more effective as the more extensive, complex and conservative the organization in which it is being implemented is, the more effective it is.


  • People management, Mauro Tomè, Simona Deiana, Daniela Patruno, Loretta Redaelli
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