Career: Become a brand

Career: Become a brand

La Spiral Dynamics di Graves
1 Settembre 2020
Carriera: Diventa un brand
2 Settembre 2020

Today the brand of companies is linked as never before to the brand of resources that work and collaborate with them. In a world where communication is fundamental, certainly all employees have the responsibility to communicate the company’s values, products and services: “we are all messengers” says Chris LeBlanc¹, Managing Director & General Manager Industrial and Safety Business Group Australia and New Zealand in 3M.

Given the previous axiom and considering that the job market today leads managers to change assignments every three years and companies every five, it is extremely important to take care of the individual brand as it is inextricably linked to the value that this promises and offers.

In the old job market it was the employer who took care of the manager’s career, now the manager is responsible for building his own brand.

Taking care of your brand reinforces and improves the quality of the company brand. A strong managerial brand helps to improve the image and reputation of the company as well as improve the manager’s visibility and perception towards internal and external stakeholders of the organization.

In the classic sense, it is the brand manager² in a company that promotes the company itself, its products or services using consolidated marketing strategies. This, especially in some sectors, is no longer enough. Company brands are based today on relationships and a good personal brand favors relationships both inside and outside the company, thereby increasing trust and loyalty in organizations.

To move on to practice, it is a matter of studying the main attributes of the brand of the organization for which you work, its positioning and its distinctive characters and then understanding how you can play a role in promoting and supporting them. It should be noted that placing oneself as an ambassador of the corporate brand³ allows the manager to increase his visibility and create new networks.






  • Il turnover dei ceo e il caso anomalo dell’Italia, Il Sole 24 Ore, Andrea Goldstein
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