Software design is the process of organizing sections of code through its functions, objects, methods and data structures, the general architecture of the system and the […]
The whaling technique aims to make a prominent figure in an organization bite as a victim to induce him to share confidential information or pay sums […]
“Colui che affronta, pur temendole, le cose che si deve, e che corrispondentemente ha ardire come e quando si deve, è coraggioso” scriveva Aristotele¹ oltre due […]
Data l’intrinseca difficoltà nell’estrazione di valore dai Big Data¹, non sorprende che la maggior parte delle aziende possano identificare nei Big Data sfide o opportunità attuali […]
Given the inherent difficulty in extracting value from Big Data¹, it is not surprising that most companies can identify current or future challenges or opportunities in […]
The Spiral of Silence method by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann is a model that explains why people are not willing to express their opinions in public when they […]
Today the brand of companies is linked as never before to the brand of resources that work and collaborate with them. In a world where communication […]
Secondo la Teoria dei livelli emergenti, ciclici di esistenza di Clare Graves¹ (Theory of Levels of Human Existence) la psicologia dell’essere umano maturo è un processo […]
According to Clare Graves’¹ Theory of Levels of Human Existence, the psychology of the mature human being is a process of unfolding, emerging, oscillating, spiral marked […]
The copper network, created for the telephone service, today sees a technological evolution for the provision of Ultra Wide Band services. Read more with my article […]
Rather than competing within the confines of the existing industry or trying to steal customers from rivals (Bloody or Red Ocean Strategy) W. Chan Kim1 and […]
Piuttosto che competere entro i confini dell’industria esistente o cercare di rubare i clienti ai rivali (Bloody o Red Ocean Strategy) W. Chan Kim¹ e Renée […]
Choosing the software architecture consists in making fundamental structural choices that are difficult and expensive to change once implemented. Software architecture consists of the fundamental structures […]
Scegliere l’architettura di un software consiste nell’operare scelte strutturali fondamentali che sono difficili e costose da mutare una volta implementate. L’architettura del software consiste nelle strutture […]
Ascolta “La rete in rame: dall’origine alla Banda Ultra Larga” su Spreaker. La rete in rame, nata 150 anni fa con il servizio telefonico commerciale¹ […]
The copper network, born 150 years ago with the commercial telephone service¹, today sees a technological evolution in the integration with fiber optic networks for the […]